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Season 3 Standings

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Regular Season

1. Falat - 99.7 

2. Schuetz - 81.4

3. Burton - 71.1

4. Switzer - 70.8

5. Mikles - 61.2

6. Wodward - 61.1

7. Helton - 60.6

8. McCluskey - 59.0

9. Criss - 58.5

10. Hall  - 58.2

11. Dunkley - 55.8

12. Lewis - 54.3

13. Funk - 48.8

14. Millikan - 48.3 

15. James - 43.8

16. Hitt - 35.9


1. Falat - 7:58 

2. Schuetz - 11:45

3. Burton - 11:51

4. Mikles - 11:55

5. Criss - 13:02

6. Switzer - 13:42

7. McCluksey - 13:45

8. Hall - 14:01

9. Helton - 15:19

10. Lewis  - 15:37

11. Woodward - 17:18

12. Funk - 18:24

13. Millikan - 18:26

14. James - 21:50 

15. Hitt - 24:19

Dunkley - DNC



1. Falat - 317

2. Schuetz - 265

3. Burton - 229

4. Switzer - 223

5. Mikles - 183

6. Helton - 174

7.(Tie) Woodward - 172

7.(Tie) Hall - 172

9. McCluskey - 168

10. Criss  - 165

11. Dunkley - 154

12. Lewis - 151

13. Funk - 110

14. James -  102

15. Millikan - 98

16. Hitt - 37​

Season 3 

This season we only had 3 Rookies that year. These were probably some of the best courses of fire the Match Director and Range Master designed. F3G also changed how their videos were edited and these changes were well received. 
Falat reclaimed his title this year as F3G Champion.
Lewis became our Rookie of the Year.
Burton became our Shooter of the Year.

The Sampler

This course of fire they had to use all 3 firearms. They started with pistol and engage numerous clustered targets with "civilians" mixed in. Once cleared, they would move to obtain their shotgun where while on the move they would engage clay pigeons. Once all those were broken they would have to knock down 2 steel plates with slugs at roughly 50 yards. 

The last stage they get rid of the shotgun, obtain their rifle and lay on a simulated roof and have to get confirmed hits on a two 3" circles and one 2" circle twice at 75 yards.


1. Falat - 127.61

2. Schuetz - 138.31

3. Woodward - 142.56

4. Switzer - 158.21

5. Burton - 171.45

6. Helton - 176.81

7. Hall - 186.06

8. Criss - 190.03

9. B. McCluskey - 193.02

10. Mikles - 206.04

11. Dunkley - 210.07

12. Lewis - 275.93

13. James - 251.31

14. Funk - 271.81

15. Hitt - 310.00 (Timed Out)

16. Millikan - 330 (timed Out)

Season 3 

Transition Station

This course of fire shooters were roughly 15 yards out from a plate rack. They had 2 rounds in 4 mags of both pistol and rifle. They started with pistol and had to knock down a total of 6 circles on the plate rack. Once they were forced to reload, they had to switch firearms. When they transitioned to Rifle, they had to hit a plate at 50 yards away. So essentially they had 8 rounds to hit 6 targets each. 


1. Falat - 50.77

2. B. McCluskey - 54.97

3. Burton - 66.10

4. Woodward - 75.05

5. Switzer - 75.21

6. Schuetz - 91.58

7. Mikles - 92.19

8. Lewis - 96.91

9. Criss - 113.60

10. Dunkley - 114.97

11. Funk - 121.71

12. Hall - 139.99

13. James - 141.71

14. Millikan - 145.04

15. Helton - 156.48

16. Hitt - 252.85


Season 3 

Falat's Round the World

This course you were 10 yards out. There were 8 dots spread out randomly on a large cardboard backer. They had to place 2 hits in each dot. 


1. Falat - 22.36

2. Schuetz - 25.51

3. Dunkley - 26.69

4. Criss - 32.51

5. Woodward - 32.53

6. Burton - 35.67

7. Mikles - 37.88

8. B. McCluskey - 41.45

9. Switzer - 41.77

10. Hall - 47.27

11. Helton - 52.91

12. Lewis - 56.40

13. Funk 57.76

14. Millikan - 71.67

15. James. 93.28

16. Hitt 100.85


Season 3 

Run Bitch

This course was all shotgun. 8 clay pigeons from 15 yards out. Run 60 yards. Break 8 more clay pigeons. Seems pretty simple, right? RIGHT!?


1. Schuetz - 21.99

2. Falat - 22.99

3. Woodward - 30.98

4. Hall - 31.10

5. Dunkley - 42.22

6. Millikan - 42.31

7. Mikles - 42.68

8. B. McCluskey - 44.93

9. Switzer - 52.93

10. Criss - 60.00

11. James - 61.91

12. Burton - 61.98

13. Helton - 66.30

14. Lewis - 76.17

15. Funk - 79.79

16. Hitt - 86.35

Season 3 

F3G Sniper Challenge

This course of fire, we adapted and modified the FBI sniper course qualification. They had 10 shots to complete the course and we modified the course to simulate a bolt action since a majority of the competitors used semi-automatic rifles. All shots were prone. They had a cold bore shot, and we made them do a 75 yd dash to simulate 'stress shots'. This has become a staple course of fire.


1. Falat - 69.80

2. Schuetz - 78.27

3. Hall - 85.75

4. Mikles - 88.10

5. Dunkley - 92.99

6. Burton - 103.11

7. Helton - 105.07

8. Millikan - 111.02

9. Lewis - 112.45

10. Switzer - 113.96

11. Funk - 114.17

12. McCluskey - 115.80

13. Woodward - 122.09

14. Criss - 139.98

15. Hitt - 212.45

16. James - 249.56

Season 3 

Circles of Hell

Year 2 of Circles of Hell. This is also another course of fire that became a staple each year. There were 9 circles, that got smaller in size. 


1. Falat - 49.53

2. Mikles - 78.12

3. Schuetz - 100.20

4. Lewis - 116.07

5. Switzer - 122.00

6. Criss - 130.41

7. Helton - 132.46

8. Hall - 143.91

9. McCluskey - 152.44

10. Burton - 153.57

11. Funk - 168.81

12. Millikan - 181.53

13. Woodward - 204.37

14. Dunkley - 252.91

15. Hitt - 331.96

16. James - 371.12

Season 3 

Texas Stars

It's the Texas Stars. We had 2 of them. Shot them from roughly 20 yards. For all of our shooters, this was the first time ever clearing the Stars. We did restrict the amount of ammo used, that way some of our shooters didn't go through 100 rounds :)


1. Falat - 13.89

2. Schuetz -15.61

3. Switzer - 16.17

4. Woodward - 18.73

5. Burton - 23.62

6. Criss - 24.71

7. Helton - 24.81

8. Lewis - 33.34

9. Mikles - 37.76

10. Dunkley - 38.95

11. McCluskey - 44.13

12. Hitt - 47.73

13. James - 55.12

14. Funk - 70.51

15. Millikan - 71.42

16. Hall - 80.22

Season 3 

Little Guys

Another staple course of fire. We had purchased these silhouette shape AR 500 targets the size of playing cards. And they had to knock them off stands at approximately 15 yards out. There was 12 total to knock down. 


1. Falat - 33.01

2. Schuetz - 33.99

3. Burton - 36.85

4. Switzer - 49.13

5. Woodward - 54.42

6. Helton - 54.93

7. Criss - 57.58

8. McCluskey - 58.63

9. Mikles - 61.99

10. Lewis - 63.17

11. Hall - 75.89

12. Dunkley - 76.08

13. Millikan - 78.66

14. Funk - 94.86

15. Hitt - 98.30

16. James - 122.29

Season 3 

Save the Civi

This course of fire, we had numerous threats and no threats placed through out the course of fire. Everything was double taps and the shooters were stationary.  


1. Falat - 24.32

2. Criss - 25.99

3. Helton - 26.37

4. Lewis - 26.55

5. Schuetz - 26.80

6. Burton - 28.15

7. Hall - 30.31

8. McCluskey - 31.27

9. Switzer - 32.43

10. Mikles - 33.24

11. Funk - 38.14

12. James - 44.79

13. Hitt - 63.40

14. Millikan - 68.17

15. Woodward - 82.95

16. Dunkley - 85.85

Season 3 

NO NO Square

Mr. Burton submitted this course of fire. Shooters had to stay OUT of the square. At the start of the course, they had their rifle and was roughly 20 yards out. As they moved forward they engaged the target in front of them. They had to move the entire time during the course of fire. 

Once they made it to a 'corner' they transitioned to their pistol and as they made it across a target they would engage it with their pistol. 


1. Falat - 33.66

2. Schuetz - 41.87

3. Helton - 50.99

4. Dunkley - 53.17

5. Burton - 57.55

6. McCluskey - 59.33

7. James - 60.29

8, Mikles - 61.46

9. Millikan - 61.95

10. Hall - 62.45

11. Woodward - 64.18

12. Switzer - 65.42

13. Criss - 68.75

14. Funk - 71.48

15. Lewis - 84.32

16. Hitt - 132.86

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